Rodrigo Corrêa-Oliveira


Graduate in Biology by the Federal University of Minas Gerais with a Master’s degree in Biochesmitry by the same university. He also has a PhD in Immunology by John Hopkins University. Great part of his work was devoted to understanding the immune response to an infection by Schistosoma mansoni, both in experimental models and in humans. In 1986, he was admitted at the René Rachou Research Center (CPqRR), of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), in Belo Horizonte. Currently, he is a researcher and the head of the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology. He dedicates himself to the study of mechanisms for regulation of immune response, to understanding resistance to infection and superinfection, and to the identification of antigens with potential to be used as vaccines against infections by S. mansoni. In addition to studies on immune response mechanisms in resistance development, Rodrigo’s interests include different clinical forms of diseases and vaccines; nutrition; socioeconomic and behavioral studies; health education; population genetics and geographical positioning; and information evolving into an institutional multi-program.

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