Marco Pavarino
Coordinator of cooperativism of the Secretaria de Agricultura Familiar e Desenvolvimento Agrário of the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil
Since 2004, he has been working on the development of public policies that encourage the sustainable production of family farmers and traditional communities. With a degree in management of environment and natural resources from Universidade de Alcalá de Henares, in Spain, and a master’s in sustainable development from UnB. Currently, he is in charge of the agroecology and sustainable production coordination of the Special Secretariat for Family Agriculture and Agrarian Development of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil, being responsible for formulating, implementing and monitoring policies related to agroecology and organic production, socio-biodiversity, medicinal plants, herbal medicines, and urban and peri-urban farming.
Family farming, agroecology and sustainable production
Family farming, agroecology and sustainable production